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I am a doctoral researcher in statistics at UCLouvain (Belgium) within the Institute of Statistics, Biostatistics and Actuarial Sciences. My research interests focus on survival analysis and bio-statistical methods applied to cancer patients.

In parallel with my doctoral thesis, I am teaching several courses in statistics and probability at bachelor and master’s level at UCLouvain and UNamur. I also give trainings and consulting in data science, statistics and R (an open source statistical software program) as part of UCLouvain’s technology platform for Statistical Methodology and Computing Service. See more in my CV.

In my spare time, I like to code, write about statistics and its applications in R, and share it on my blog to popularize and make it understandable for more people.

I also enjoy playing sports, reading nonfiction books on statistics, (behavioral) economics, management/personal finance or psychology and traveling around the globe.

Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or inquiries.